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Dear Friends,

Due to a scheduling conflict, I’m writing to announce our panel discussion with the sheriff and Metro officers who are members of the LGTBQ+ community will now take place on Wednesday, July 24th from 7pm to 9pm at The Center.

In addition, I’d like to acknowledge and address those who have expressed concerns regarding the event. I sincerely appreciate you and the views you have shared. Given the history between law enforcement and our community, it’s understandable that some feel uncomfortable and even upset at the idea of The Center hosting a discussion with the police.

As a leading community organization advocating for inclusion, our hope is this event will be a step toward healing and better understanding. This is why we think it is critical for the panel to include officers who are part of the LGBTQ+ community.

Our relationship with LVMPD is unique compared to other centers around the country.  Immediately after the Club Q Nightclub shooting, Metro reached out to us and asked what more they could do to keep us safe.  They kept guard outside so we could safely mourn together inside.

Over the last 18 months, we have seen changes in the department under Sheriff McMahill’s leadership with an increased focus on diversity, inclusion, de-escalation and mental health. The sheriff and the LGBTQ officers are eager to meet on our turf to hear concerns from our community and peacefully discuss potential solutions.

For those who would not feel safe being at this event, we invite you to submit your questions and experiences to us so that we can share them on your behalf.

We hope that you will join us either in person or virtually in what we believe is a step in the right direction for our community.

With Gratitude,

AJ Huth

Director of Public Affairs & Civic Engagement

“The more people open their hearts to us, the less we will have to fight for our rights.”
Harvey Milk